
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The beauty of Observation.

Teachers have asked me, "how and when I collect my observations for my portfolios". I can tell you that I'm collecting observations all day, everyday. Whether it's small group, large group, outdoor exploration, etc. 

I sometimes even wear a hat that says, "observing" so the children know to first go to the other adults in the room with a question if it's not an emergency. (Yes! We get the students in on the fun too!) I have a "work collector", it's usually one of the older students, who can collect work samples for me that she/he sees laying around. If it has no name, the work collector "investigates" and find out who made the work of art and files it in their work folder.

When getting my classroom organized for collecting observations, the first thing I make sure of is that I have provided myself with opportunities to document where ever I go inside the classroom. 

I have a pocket folder for blank observation sheets as well as completed ones. I usually carry these around on a ring so i can capture any dialogue or observation in the moment. 

I created this observation tool so I could easily write what I see or hear, choose the measures the observation pertain to, then put them in the child's portfolio. A quick and easy procedure. :)

I use these sheets for large/small groups. If I want to observe a specific child, I make a note at the bottom with the measure I'm looking for. This is useful if my assistant is helping with the observations because she will know exactly what to look for. 

While some observation tools are made, others are just written on paper- whatever paper closest to me.

There is no wrong or right way to collect observations. I have seen some teachers use apps. A few apps I like for documenting are Evernote, skitch, and pages. My favorite is the notepad that comes with the apple devices. It is an awesome tool because you can add pictures, make notes, and hand write. I even allow the children to write words on it & wha-la you have a measure!

I have also seen teachers use sticky notes, index cards, & their hand! (Ha ha). It's a job that has to get done by any means necessary :). 

Observations are in everything we do and is everywhere inside my classroom! 

Email me with any questions:

Want a copy of the documents you see here? Email me! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Gifts from Brother

With our due date approaching quickly, we are seeing how our other children are growing anxious and nervous. The other day KayLei (my 4 year old) asked me if she could go back to being the baby. It was then I knew I had to celebrate them as much as possible during this time- since so much time and energy was being spent on preparing for baby. One of the things I decided to do was give the girls a gift from their new baby brother acknowledging that he knows he has big sisters and couldn't wait to see them. Also, to show the older siblings that he already knew them very well by " giving"  them gifts that they loved so much. With my 3-4 day stay at the hospital, I wanted to make sure they had a few goodies that reminded them of home and hopefully be entertained by them to help them pass the time. I attached a picture and note from baby brother..

After that I headed to target and dollar tree to pick out some of their favorite things...

I put  the small gifts  in a cupcake holder that I got on Halloween clearance from Michaels
(80 % off!!!!).

It was something that was simple and easy that they can remember forever. It requires little effort. You could even hand write a note and pack things around the house! The possibilities are endless. Just make sure you do it with love & it will be appreciated!

Angie B.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Count Down!

Count down until baby arrives has officially began.
With all of our hectic schedules we have taken this week to enjoy each other, make memories, and prepare for baby as a family. The most important thing for me is making sure Baby K's sisters feels like they are included in the process. I wanted to get them ready for the new guy that will be sharing Mommy's heart.

Here's what we did...

I gathered a few pieces of construction paper and had the girls cut them into strips. After, we brainstormed ideas of what we should do together as a family, separately with just mommy and/or daddy, and if needed alone time (I kept a few as a surprise). Things we came up with were:

1. Kay'Lei's Ice cream date with Mommy & Daddy.
2. Picnic at the Park
3. Make PlayDoh
4. Movie Night- Pop Popcorn/ Make treat/ Make Pizza
5. Kay'Lei's Crispy Creme Date & Ka'Mari's Treat
6. A scrap book for Brother from Sisters
7. Paint a canvas for Brother
8. Make a special BIG sisters dinner
9. Mommy's Surprise
10. Help Mommy pack bag for hospital
11. Ka'Mari - write & illustrate a special book for baby Brother
12. Family Game Night
13. Plan days with Auntie and Grandma

As you can see, all activities involve spending time with each other. With a new baby coming into the house, we don't know how that might change the dynamics of the household. For me it's important to let the girls know i'll always have time for them and i'll love them just the same even if my attention is else where for the moment.

After we wrote the activities on the strips, we made them into rings, glued them together & hung it up. Now we are ready to go! Today we cut the number 9! It was make a scrapbook for brother. Check back to see how that goes!